The Beforepay Beat

Financial Support and Resources

Written by Danielle Osifo | Jun 28, 2023 12:21:24 AM

The contents provided on this page are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial advice. Consider your personal circumstances and objectives before making any financial decisions.

Life doesn't wait to throw obstacles at you, and we understand that urgent and emergency costs can arise at any time. But you don't have to face them alone. Unsure where to turn for support and help? Look no further. Below is a list of essential support services and resources designed to guide and assist you through financial hardships. 

General Financial Education and Assistance 

  • Money Smart: Offers free and independent financial guidance and resources to empower individuals and families with financial literacy and decision-making skills.
  • Financial Counselling Australia: Provides a directory of financial counsellors who offer free and confidential advice to individuals and families facing financial difficulties.
  • Veracity Financial: Offers personalised financial advice and assistance to individuals, including immigrants, helping them navigate the Australian financial system and achieve their financial goals.
  • National Debt Helpline (1800 007 007): Offers free and confidential financial counselling for individuals experiencing debt issues, helping them regain control of their finances.

Government Support 

Legal Advice and Assistance

  • Financial Rights Legal Centre: Offers free legal advice and representation on financial matters, including banking, insurance, debt and consumer rights.

Domestic Violence 

  • 1800 Respect: Provides support, counselling, and information for individuals affected by domestic violence, ensuring their safety and well-being.
  • Good Shepherd: Assists individuals affected by domestic violence with financial empowerment, safe housing, and access to resources for a fresh start.

Single Parent Support

  • Way forward: Supports single parents through counselling, financial guidance and resources to help them navigate the challenges of raising children on their own.
  • Wesley Mission: A community organisation that offers various support services, including financial counselling, emergency relief and assistance for single parents.

Immigrants and Refugees

  • The Australian Refugee Association: Assists refugees and immigrants with settlement support, including financial guidance and resources to help them adapt to their new lives in Australia.
  • Australian Red Cross: Offers emergency relief, financial assistance, and support services to individuals and communities impacted by crises, including refugees and immigrants.
  • Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY): Provides support, resources and financial literary programs for young immigrants and refugees, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the Australian financial system.

Cybersecurity Support 

  • Australian Cybersecurity Centre: Provides advice and support on cyber threats through their  Hotline, which is contactable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via 1300 CYBER1 (1300 292 371)

Rural and Agriculture Assistance

  • Rural Financial Counselling Service: Provides specialised financial counselling and support to rural communities and farmers, helping them manage financial difficulties and plan for the future.

Mental Health and Wellbeing 

  • Beyond Blue: Offers mental health support, resources, and information, including assistance for individuals experiencing domestic violence or other challenging life circumstances.
  • Lifeline: Provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services, assisting individuals facing mental health challenges.

    Disclaimer: Beforepay Group Ltd ABN: 63 633 925 505 (Beforepay) allows eligible customers to access their pay and/or access their tax refund, and also provides budgeting tools. The views provided in this article include factual information and the personal opinions of relevant Beforepay staff. This article contains selected summary information only and is provided for general information purposes only. Beforepay and its related bodies corporate make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of the contents of this blog post and do not accept any liability for any loss whatsoever arising from the use of this information. Please read our Terms of Service carefully before deciding whether to use any of our services.